Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have enjoyed hearing from our ACS members based outside the US with some questions / thoughts that I thought I could share with all our members:

a) how many non-US members are there? there are ~20,000 members listed in over 75 countries outside the US (there are ~155,000 members in total)

b) much participation of members outside the US is via the web, what else can we do to be more involved? Well, I'm sure there are a ton of ways that various of our committee/divisions could suggest, but a few suggestions to get going:
1-the meeting presentations from ACS National meetings are starting to be available opon-line to members (150 in DC and many more planned for San Fran): "Free Access to 150 Presentations from the ACS D.C. National Meeting Featuring PowerPoint Synched with Audio ACS is making available for viewing – at no charge to you - 150 of the top oral presentations delivered at the recently-concluded ACS Washington D.C. national meeting. These high-quality presentations feature PowerPoint slides synched with audio. They also permit you to identify, and jump directly to, a particular slide in a presentation. We hope you enjoy this new feature from ACS. We encourage you to complete our One Minute Survey on the site hosting the content. Your feedback will help us refine the content we offer you following future ACS national meetings. To access these presentations, please click here: "
-2-the ACS Network can be a tremendous tool to join networks that exist and become more engaged or even form your own network within your country/subregion and engage fellow members. You can join the network and start to 'play' with it by going to:
-3-the International Year of Chemistry celebration in 2011 provides so many ways for you to participate in (and organize) activities that are going on globally or in your own country. Plans are still forming, so I'd recommend keeping an eye on the following sites: global IYC site: as well as the ACS site: also see if your country's chemical /science societies have their own site with linkages. Over time I think all the sites will be readily linked so you can see activities easily!!
-4- if there is a specific committee / division that you are interested in, I'd suggest contacting the chair of that group and ask them directly how you could be involved - ACS is a big organization and there are lots of things that can be worked on across time zones!! Also, there is an Office of International Activities and an International Activities Committee (Dr Peter Dorhout, chair) who have lots going on (you can find them on and your interests in mind!

c) if I become ACS president, would I continue the practice of using Facebook/LinkedIn connections to members? Yes, absolutely....and I'd continue to use blog format to also reach out and listen. However, I'd look to all of our members to advice me on other ways to listen better and be more connected to what you need!!

d) how long was I based outside of the US? Where do you live now? I was based in Switzerland with responsibility for Rohm and Haas' Coatings Business for Western and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa for 2 1/2 years! I really loved my time working in this role with an amazing team and great customers! I currently live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Feel free to share your thoughts/ideas/questions via email or postings to this blog! I look forward to continuing the dialogue! Cheryl